2007年11月28日 星期三


佚名 -本站原创-
2006-3-27 —
Tech-recipes报道--如果你的Windows安装出现问题,或者某些难以启齿的原因让你无法从Windows服务器获得更新,下面的小方法也许能够帮助你。首先进入微软Update网站,在选择“Express”(快速)/“Custom”(自定义)安装的时候,微软会对你的CDKey进行验证,如果没有通过,则会显示“Invalid CD Key”(非法CD key)类似的警告。不过,如果你还是想要进行Windows升级,就先在地址栏键入javascript:void(window.g_sDisableWGACheck='all'),然后按回车。这时你再选择“快速”/“自定义”,就不会有弹出警告窗口。另外,如果你不慎输入了错误的CD Key,并想要进行更改,可以按照如下程序操作:1.修改注册表路径:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\wpaevents键名:OOBETimer双击,修改一两个字母,就可以反激活你的Windows2.进入开始-运行,键入%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a,回车点击:电话客户支持点击:下一步点击:更换产品KEY3.小心重新输入你的产品KEY,然后点击更新重启后你的新注册KEY就重新激活了。当然,如果你的CD KEY真实有效,以后进行Windows Update就不用之前那么麻烦了。另:鉴于笔者使用的是正版Windows,所以对第一步绕过验证无法进行验证,有兴趣的可以直接查询原文。http://www.tech-recipes.com/windows_tips1319.html

2007年11月11日 星期日


到「開始」>>「執行」,輸入:regedit 然後按確定。
OE4 或是 OE4.01,則請到以下位置:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\Mail\Inbox Rules
然後選功能表上的「登錄」>>「匯出登錄檔」,然後存檔,這個 reg 檔案就是你備份的郵件規則。
OE5 或 Outlook Express 6,則請到以下位置(參考下圖):
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\{Identity Number}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0\Rules\Mail
方法如同 OE4,選功能表上的「登錄」>>「匯出登錄檔」,把這個登錄檔存放在安全的地方,以後要匯入的時候,只要在這個 .reg 的檔案上 click兩下,reg 檔案中的資料就會自動匯入。
Identity Number 就是在 Identities 下的一個一串很長數值的資料夾 (由大括弧{}符號包圍起來),每台電腦的數值都不一樣,所以這裡沒法明確指出這數字。
因為有 Identity Number 的關係,所以你不能把電腦 A 的郵件規則直接複製到電腦 B 上面去,因為兩台電腦的 Identity Number 根本不一樣,你匯過去也沒有用,你只能回存到你原先匯出的那台電腦上。
但是,不知道你有沒有注意到,在前一節我有提到,這個匯出來的 .reg 檔案,只能用在匯出規則的那一台電腦上,如果我要把這個規則匯入到其他電腦,或是,我電腦重新 format、重新安裝了作業系統,那我要把以前備份出來的這個郵件規則匯入該怎麼辦?
這裡就是要告訴你如何把已經匯出的郵件規則,再匯入到新電腦的 Outlook Express 中,本節是以 Outlook Express 5 為範例。
我們需要使用登錄編輯器(Regedit),並且,會需要修改 .reg 檔案,如果你是生手,不建議你自己動手做,找一個有經驗的朋友來協助你,任何的修改失敗,都可能會造成作業系統不正常,所以修改時,務必請小心。
我已經把舊電腦裡的 Outlook Express 5 郵件規則備份出來了。現在要把這個匯出的 .reg 檔,再還原到剛裝好的作業系統中的 Outlook Express 5。另外提醒你,在還原過程中,請不要開啟 Outlook Express 5。
在目的電腦上,開啟 regdeit,到:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\{GUID}
{GUID} 只是一個代名詞,你不要去找 GUID 這四個英文字母,這樣是找不到的。
它就是看起來很長一串的那個數字,每部PC上的 {GUID} 數值都不同,另外,也有可能同一台PC 上有好幾個 {GUID},所以在這個步驟,是要找出你自己的 {GUID} 碼。(如果在 Identities 下有好幾個 {GUID} 的話)
點選這些 {GUID} ,注意右側窗格的 Username 欄,如果你的 Outlook Express 並沒有設定身份,那麼 Username 顯示為「主 ID」的那個 {GUID} 就是你的 {GUID}。
如果你的 Outlook Express 5 有設定不同身份,Username 就選擇你的 Username 出現的那個 {GUID} 碼。
把這個 {GUID} 碼記下來(或 Copy 到 記事本),好比你的 {GUID} 是:{A3175AF6-6658-432A-95A3-959F4343E2B2},就 copy
A3175AF6-6658-432A-95A3-959F4343E2B2 到記事本上(用筆抄下來也可以)。
用「WordPad」打開你備份出來的郵件規則登錄檔 xxx.reg 檔案,別忘了開起檔案的時候,檔案類型要選擇「全部文件」,你才能看到 reg 檔。(你要用 UltraEDit 打開也無所謂)打開之後,可以看到在 Identities 之後所跟著的是你舊的 {GUID} 碼(都是來自舊電腦上的,或是重新安裝作業系統前的機碼),這些舊的 {GUID} 碼對我們都沒有用,我們要把全部的舊的 {GUID} 碼換成新的才行,抄下你的舊機碼。到WordPad 的「編輯」>>「取代」。尋找目標:輸入你的舊 GUID 碼。取代為:輸入你的新 GUID 碼,最前面我不是叫你 copy 到記事本上嗎?或是抄下來嗎?把之前找出的新機碼放在「取代為」這一欄。按全部取代。存檔。在你這個 reg 檔案上 click 兩下,reg 檔案內容就會匯入到 registry 裡。你原機器上的郵件規則已經完全匯入到新的機器上了。
當你匯入之後,你到「工具」>>「郵件規則」>>「郵件」,你可能會發現有許多的郵件規則前都會出現 X 符號,這是因為在你新的環境中,並沒有這個規則所要用的某個項目,你只要補建所缺少的項目即可。
例如,假設你的規則是:原本 Tony 寄來的信件都是放到 Tony 這個郵件匣,但是因為你新電腦上還沒有建立 Tony 這個郵件匣,所以在這個郵件規則前面就會出現一個大大的紅色「X」符號,你只要按下紅色的文字,去補建 Tony 這個郵件夾即可,依此類推。

2007年11月8日 星期四

The Pencil Hardness Test 硬度測試

The Pencil Hardness TestBy Mac Simmons
This article appeared in Woodwork, April 2000, p76. and is used here by permission.
A set of graded pencils
After doing some testing on various coatings for their 'pencil hardness', I was surprised at the results I got. I thought I would share this information with those who may have their own opinions about what they consider to be hard and durable coatings. I would like you to know right from the beginning that the pencil hardness test is only one of many tests used to evaluate coatings. There is obviously more than the hardness of any coating to be considered, so do not judge a finish entirely on the basis of this test.
The test is very simple to do, will give uniform results, and is dependable because the pencils are graded. The grade of the pencil is determined by the amount of baked graphite and clay in its composition.
Grading pencils come in an assortment of both hard and soft, and can be found in most art or office supply stores. The set I have consists of twelve pencils, ranging in hardness from 4H to 6B. The 'H' stands for hardness, the 'B' stands for blackness, and HB is for hard and black pencils. The hardest is a 9H, followed by 8H, 7H, 6H, 5H, 4H, 3H, 2H, and H. F is the middle of the hardness scale; then comes HB, B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B, and 9B, which is the softest. Another grading method uses numbers; the equivalents would be #1=B, #2=HB, #2-1/2=F, #3=H, and #4=2H. The most commonly used writing pencil is the #2 (HB grade), which is fairly soft, contains more graphite, and leaves a dark mark.
To do your own pencil hardness testing, always start with a dry, clean, well-sanded piece of wood.
Type of coatings
Pencil Hardness
Catalyzed polyester
Catalyzed polyurethane
Catalyzed ModifiedAcrylic polyurethane
Catalyzed Acrylicpolyurethane
Water-based polyurethane
Water-based urethane/Isocyanate Catalyst
Conversion varnish
Low VOC Catalyzedlaquer [24 hrs]
Low VOC laquer
Urethane/Nitrocelluloselaquer [24 hrs}
Water reducible laquer
Tung oil/polyurethanewipe-on finish
Water-based polyurethanewipe-on finish
Aerosol precat
Aerosol water clear acrylic
Aerosol clear shellac
Aerosol nitrocellulose/polyurethane
Aerosol nitrocellulose
Amber (orange) Shellac1 lb. cut
3B Usually the coating thickness being tested is 1.0-1.5 mils (a mil is one millionth of an inch) and has been allowed to dry for 7 days. In some cases, a different drying schedule is used, and the chart indicates those in brackets. The ambient temperature during the test can also be a factor in the drying times and can have an effect on the coating's hardness.
Select a pencil from your set and make a line about 1/2-inch long. If the pencil you start with scratches the surface of the coating, then go down the pencil grades until you come to the first pencil that doesn't scratch the coating. Redo the test, and if you get the same results, you have determined the 'Pencil Hardness' of the coating you are testing. It's that simple. There are some coatings so hard that the 9H pencil won't scratch them-all of these coatings get a 9H rating to designate their hardness.
Use this chart only as a guide. It is also important to understand that the degree of hardness of any generic coating may not always be the same; in other words, if one company has a polyurethane with a 3H hardness, do not assume that every other polyurethance will have a 3H hardness. They won't; they will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, and from product to product.
As I mentioned previously, the pencil hardness test is only one of many tests that are done to evaluate a coating's performance. Other tests are abrasion, reverse impact resistance, direct impact resistance, cross-hatch adhesion, oxidation, gloss retention, UV resistance, yellowing, blistering, drying times, chemical/solvent resistance (using both the rubbing and spot/time tests), salt spray resistance, humidity resistance, acid and caustic resistance, the VOC and HAP contents, and so on.
All this information is helpful in choosing or evaluating a finish. But regardless of a finish's rating, the best advice is always: 'handle with care'.
Mac Simmons is a 40-year veteran of the furniture, refinishing, and restoration trades, and the author of the Refinishing Commandments. He lives in Massapequa, New York.
